Sports Centres
The beneficial aspects playing sports in confined spaces, such as gyms, is linked to the state of cleanliness and the sanitary conditions of the premises.
Critical points of exposure to contaminated aerosols at sports facilities are showers, toilets and air-conditioning systems, which can be easily colonized by micro-organisms such as legionella.
There are also infections transmitted through contact with contaminated surfaces or person-to-person direct contact.
In hot-wet areas, mycoses proliferate extensively, mainly caused by fungi. Not only the wet surfaces of gym and sports equipment and machines, but even more so the surfaces of the toilets and sinks and floors in general are the ideal habitat for highly infective viral agents, agents responsible for “molluscum contagiosum“ infections and “plantar warts“.
Treating these areas with ozone results in the maintenance of an excellent level of sanitation, guaranteeing a high degree of purification of the air and the premises.
The cyclical use of ozone in specific treatments on ventilation ducts, plumbing systems and areas in general almost completely eliminates the risk of transmission of infections, viruses and fungi and ensures greater quality of use of the facilities.
Moreover, the automation deriving from the use of ozone technology, using specific machines which independently carry out the disinfection cycle, reduces the use of personnel and chemical products in carrying out disinfection, contrary to the current practice.
Thus, the benefit obtained is not only sanitary but also economic.