Hotels And Health SPAS
Hotels and health spas generally have numerous areas that need to be sanitized: kitchens, restaurants, rooms, conference and congress rooms, offices, toilets, changing rooms, spas, swimming pools, cold storage rooms, etc.
The need to guarantee increasingly high standards also involves the level of cleanliness of facilities, especially in the most critical areas.
As a result of its powerful oxidizing effect, in less than half an hour, ozone decreases odors and bacterial loads, inactivates viruses, mites, insects, etc. Thus, it can be used in numerous applications.
Ozone is especially ideal to sanitize areas and objects that are the most complex and difficult to treat using traditional methods.
For example, in hotel rooms, with a single treatment you can act on the entire area, from the ceiling to the floor, from the walls to the bed, including all the other furnishings.
With the current systems, operators only have the time carry out the traditional cleaning of moveable objects, but with the addition of a highly automated system, in less than half an hour you can achieve an optimum level of cleanliness of both surfaces and the air, with the benefit of allowing guests to lodge immediately after cleaning.
This system makes the use of ozone compatible with the timeframes required for making up and cleaning rooms, all at affordable costs.
- Elimination or control of insects and other unwanted life forms (mites)
- Elimination of mold/fungi, and odors
- Reduction of waste from food products
- Increase in the shelf life of food products
- Sanitization of materials and surfaces
- Reduction of environmental impact and purchase costs of chemical products
- Increase in added value of the service
- Limitation of transmission of infections (ozone included in air conditioning plants) among customers and operators